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Database Exceptionyii\db\Exception

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'onegino77131' in 'where clause'
The SQL being executed was:
SELECT `villa`.`dom_id` AS `id`,
`villa`.`kind` AS `kind`,
`villa`.`segment` AS `segment`,
ifnull(`villaStdCurrencyRatio`.`value`, `villa`.`own_currency_ratio`) *
cast(replace(`villa`.`price`, " ", "") AS signed) AS decimal(18, 2)
) AS `price`,
`villa`.`price` as `price_in_cur`,
`villa`.`house_square` AS `villasquare`,
`villa`.`land_square` AS `landsquare`,
`villa`.`way_id1` AS `way`,
`villa`.`way_id2` AS `way1`,
`villa`.`way_id3` AS `way2`,
`villa`.`distance` AS `km`,
`villa`.`coords` AS `geo`,
`villa`.`turnkey` AS `key`,
`villa`.`forest` AS `nearforest`,
`villa`.`nearwater` AS `nearwater`,
`villa`.`material` AS `material`,
`villa`.`quality` AS `quality`,
`villa`.`rating` as `rating`,
`villa`.`discount` as `discount`,
`villa`.`opts_json` as `opts_json`,
`villa`.`currency` as `currency`,
`villa`.`display_currency` as `display_currency`,

GeomFromText(concat("Point(", SUBSTRING_INDEX(coalesce(`villa`.`coords`, `villa`.`pcoords`), ",", 1), " ", SUBSTRING_INDEX(coalesce(`villa`.`coords`, `villa`.`pcoords`), ",", -1), ")")) AS `point`
FROM `cache_aggregators_dom` `villa`
LEFT JOIN `currency` `villaStdCurrencyRatio` on((`villa`.`currency`, `villaStdCurrencyRatio`.`num_code`) IN ((0, 840), (1, 1), (2, 978)))

`villa`.`realestate_id` = 1 AND
`villa`.`enabled` = 1 AND
NOT (`villa`.`status` = 3) AND
(NOT (`villa`.`secret` = 1) || `villa`.`secret` IS NULL )
GROUP BY `villa`.`dom_id`

ORDER BY `quality` DESC, `rating` DESC LIMIT 1

Error Info: Array
    [0] => 42S22
    [1] => 1054
    [2] => Unknown column 'onegino77131' in 'where clause'
$_GET = [
    'id' => 'onegino77131',